English Basics

Types of Pronoun

Types of Pronoun A pronoun is a word which is used instead of a noun. A pronoun is used instead of a noun to avoid repetition of a noun in an essay. e.g. she, he, they, it, her, his, him, its Pronouns are classified into following types: Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns Relative […]

English Basics

What is Pronoun?

What is Pronoun? A pronoun is a word which is used instead of a noun. e.g. she, he, they, it, her, his, him, its A pronoun is used instead of a noun to avoid repetition of a noun in an essay. Read the following paragraph: “Abdullah is an eighteen years old boy. He lives in a small village. He loves […]

English Basics

Kinds of Adverb

Kinds of Adverb   Adverbs modify a verb by giving us information about the following aspects of a verb. How an action occurs Where an action occurs When an action occurs How often an action occurs Depending on the above aspects of modification, the adverbs have following four types: Adverbs of manner: Angrily, Happily, Easily, Sadly, […]

English Basics

What is Adverb?

What is Adverb? An adverb is a word that modifies (tells us more about) a verb or an adjective or any other adverb in a sentence. Example: Sara is laughing.↓Sara is laughing loudly. In the above example, the verb ‘laugh’ expresses an action. In the second sentence, the word ‘loudly’ is an adverb because it gives us more […]

English Basics

Degrees of Adjective

Degrees of Adjective    An adjective is a word which modifies (tells us more about) a noun or a pronoun. Examples: hot tea, old man, beautiful girl, white shirt, intelligent student, interesting story, handsome boy, huge room. In the above examples, ‘hot, old, beautiful, white, intelligent’ are adjectives because they modify (give more information about) the attached nouns. Every adjective has its three degrees.   Positive Adjective Comparative Adjective Superlative Adjective These […]